How generous you are !

Thursday 28 January 2010

What I did with computer :)

At first, I found some tests about left-right brain on google, and here are the best test's address and my result. I think it's reliable because it has lots of questions and the result agreed with my expectation(also agreed with my result in our book).

Thank you for taking the Creativity Test. The results show your brain dominance as being:

Left Brain Right Brain
51% 49%

You are more left-brained than right-brained. Your left brain controls the right side of your body. In addition to being known as left-brained, you are also known as a critical thinker who uses logic and sense to collect information. You are able to retain this information through the use of numbers, words, and symbols. You usually only see parts of the "whole" picture, but this is what guides you step-by-step in a logical manner to your conclusion. Concise words, numerical and written formulas and technological systems are often forms of expression for you. Some occupations usually held by a left-brained person include a lab scientist, banker, judge, lawyer, mathematician, librarian, and skating judge.

Next I did grammar practice about passive at Embassy studygroup site. (But there is a wrong answer !! T.T)

Saturday 23 January 2010

Wrong text message

In Korea, calling a elder's name without a title - like sister, brother, teacher, sir - is very rude behaviour. But most of students call teacher's name or nickname and speak ill of him behind his back. My class teacher was young and active man, so he liked hanging out with boys. After graduating high school, I met my schoolmates at a graduates' association and heard the story from my friend KK.
One day, he was going home on a bus and just looking on other people. At that time, a stranger came and sat in front of him. He was so surprised when he looked the man, because the man resembled to our previous class teacher SW. He observed the man for a moment, realised that the man was not the teacher and sent a text message to another classmate. 'Hey, I saw a man who looks like SW. It's greatly funny! I want to show the man to you.' Of course, there are many Korean slangs in the message. When he was sniggerring, the reply message arrived. 'Hi, KK. How are you? Sorry but the man is not me. I'm in school now :) - from SW.' He had sent the message not to his friend but to the teacher. KK said he hadn't shown up around school since that time.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Biography of me

I hope to become a teacher, and I'm trying to realise that. It has been my dream for a long time, but my mother wanted me to be a pianist. When I was young, I was good at playing the piano. Teachers and parents asked me to practice for 2~3 hours though I was just 8 years old. Their expectation became a stress for me and I wanted to be not a pianist but a teacher - even if it was a piano instructor. At the age of twelve, I had a chance to choose between piano and study. I decided to go to a college of education and my parents also consented to it.
After entering a high school, I was excellent in mathmatics and my class teacher recommended me to teach mathmatics. Finally, I decided to major in math education. Now I'm studying English in London because the skill to teach mathmatics in English is required of potential teachers in Korea.